AS OF 9/25/2024
Donor Listing

$75,000 - $99,999

$50,000 - $74,999

$25,000 - $49,999
Lowell Richards Family
KBK Foundation
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Rockland Trust - Blue Hills
Charitable Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Beacon Communities LLC
Cambridge Community Foundation
Chestnut Hill Realty Corporation
Eastern Bank
Hannah Environmental & Energy, Inc.
Josef Rettman
Linde Family Foundation
Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation
(Molina Cares)
Monahan Technologies
Peabody Properties, Inc.
Rockport Mortgage
Stantec Architecture
Superior Plumbing
TD Charitable Foundation
Winchester Hospital
$5,000 - $9,999
Affordable Housing and Services
Collaborative, Inc.
Albert Risk Management Consultants
Architectural Window Corp
Bald Hill Builders
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
BlueHub Capital
Boston Evening Clinic Foundation
Brookline Bank
Brown & Brown of Massachusetts, LLC
Citizens Bank - Massachusetts
Dedham Savings
Edgemere Consulting Corp
EFR Mechanical
Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston
Melissa Fish-Crane and Ken Crane
G&G Masonry & Restoration, INC.
G&O, Inc. Electrical Contractors
Alessandro Gabrielli
HarborOne Foundation
Hyphen (SMC Partners, LLC)
JKA Construction Inc
Joan G. Monts Fund
KBF Contracting
Keith Construction, Inc.
Law Office of Edward Doherty
Lee Kennedy Co
Maloney Properties, Inc.
Nixon Peabody LLP
Northern Bank Charitable Foundation
Primary Finishes
Procter and Gamble Corporate Giving Fund
Provident Coating Services, PCS
Jerry and Lori Rappaport
Keith Regan
Joseph Rioff
Sanchez Strategies and Rasky Partners
Sherin and Lodgen LLP
Meagan Sippel
State Street Corporation
The Architectural Team, Inc.
The Norfolk Companies
Urban Edge
William and Lia G. Poorvu
Family Foundation
Barbara S. and Peter W. Williamson
$2,000 - $4,999
ADEP Group, Inc
Advanced Property Management
Carla S. Beaudoin and Chris Elwell
Block Properties
Burns & Levinson LLP
Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation
Cambridge Trust Company
Cedox Capital
Community Care Cooperative
Daniel Dennis & Company LLP
Davis Square Architects
Dellbrook | JKS
GEM Plumbing & Heating
John Hannah
H&S Restoration Inc
Zachary Hannah
Harvard Real Estate
Helge Capital
Kaplan Construction
Klein Hornig LLP
KNC Mechanical
Krems, Jackowitz & Carman, LLP
Kresge Foundation
Leader Bank
Madison Park Development Corporation
Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport)
Needham Bank
Planning Office for Urban Affairs
Preservation of Affordable Housing
Rockland Trust
Kristin Rogers
Salem Five Mortgage Company
Trevor Samios
Terry Saunders Lane and Jonathan Lane
Santander Bank
Sara and Geoffrey Sorbello
The Boston Foundation
The Community Builders, Inc.
The Schochet Companies
UHM Properties
$1,000 - $2,499
Bank of America Matching Gifts
B'nai B'rith Housing New England
Capstone Communities LLC
Scott Carlson
Cassandra M. and Phillip Clay
Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation
Donald Conover
Citizens' Housing and Planning Association
Daniel Rosen & Dena Sacco
Charitable Fund
David & Judith Ogden Charitable Fund
Philip Dorman
Steven Farrell and Todd Robinson
Janet and Michael Frazier
Graffito SP
Adam Hirsch
Edmond James
Susan Jick
JMO Property Group
KJP Partners LLP
Jason Korb
Cindee Lacasse and Samuel Ogden
Liberty Mutual Group
Luciana Machado
MLJ Insights
Christopher T. Norris and Drew Bartley
Nolan Sheehan Patten LLP
Helen Oliver
Jeanne Pinado
Reverend Anne Rousseau and
Nancy Sableski
Eliza Tan
Utile, Inc.
Walker & Dunlop LLC​​
$500 - $999
Boston Property Capital, LLC
Chris Burke
Kevin Bynoe
Ted Chandler
Hector L. and Robin Cruz
Whitney Demetrius
Anderson Dos Santos
David Gasser
Chryse Gibson
Edson Guedes
Hilton Realty
Housing Partners, Inc.
Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion
Karen Kelleher
Elizabeth Gruber and
Ruston F. Lodi
Jessica Morrissey
Massachusetts Housing
Steven Pearson
Pella Windows Boston
Renata von Tscharner and
Peter Munkenbeck Fund
Tyler Rioff
Cindy and Martin Rowe
Margot Schulz
Carole and Gerald J. Sneirson
Kevin Sowersby
Antonio Tenreiro
Kristine Vail
Brandt and Amy Wajda
Michael Widmer
Bill Young
Li Zhu
$250 - $499
Bennett Applegate, Jr.
Caury Bailey
Anne Marie Belrose
Thuong Benskin
Gregory Bialecki and
Mary Herlihy
Jeffrey Bittenbender
Zeila Chicoma
Constellation Brands
Matching Gifts
Caitlin Creamer
Diane Gordon and David Koven
Laurie Gould
Lael Greenstein
Patricia E. Intrieri
Marty Jones and Frederick
Don Augenstern
Adam Kenney
Joseph Kriesberg and
Dina Brownstein
Krokidas & Bluestein LLP
Andrew Lappin
Judith Liben
Carol Marine
Amely Monterro
Mary-Anne and John Morrison
Richard C. Muraida
Point32Health Matching Gifts
Charlotte G. Richie
Sheri Righi
Rose Town Kitchen & Bar
Rick and Gitte Shea
Taylor C. Shepherd
Monalisa Smith
Robert Torres
UNDER $250
Intiya Ambrogi-Isaza
Troy and Kerry Anderson
Anonymous Donors
Helen Bakeman
Jessica B. Boatright
Kevin Boyle
Rachel and Michael Bratt
Marianne Brown
Meaka Brown
Gregory Buscone
Patricia Capalbo
Jodi Case
Yongmei Chen
Regine Chrispin
Danielle Ciofani
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Migna Colon
Andrew Conery
Rena Crosson
Jamie Cruz
Katy Cruz
Max Cruz
Richard Marin Cruz
Samantha Cruz
Sydney Cruz
Sarah Cushing
Ellen Denham
Bernie Donnelly
Timothy Durning
Eastern Bank
Jesse and Carolyn Edsell-Vetter
Sotheary Fe
Pamela Feingold
Sophia Felix
Victor Feliz
Cara Foley
Mary Foley
Clucia Fowlkes
Donna H. Friedman, Ph.D.
and Steven Friedman
Funds2Orgs LLC
Aaron Gladden
Jesene Godfrey
Olivia Gough
Simo Hakkaoui
Jennifer Haley
Lisa Hasko
Thomas C. Hinchliffe
Barrett Hoban
Collette Hurley
George Jiang
Toney Jones
Sharon Kabelitz
Brian Kean
Kathleen Kelleher
Boris Kharas
Kenneth Krems
Stephanie LaShoto-Westfield
Gail Latimore
Jessica LeBow
Caroline Lever
Jonathan Levy
Lily Linke
Peter Lubershane
Daniel Marquez
Djenane Marquez
Shea McDonnell
Detra McGovern
Suzanne Mcloughlin
Geoffrey McWilliams
Brian Meehan
Lauren Meehan
Timothy Meehan
Thomas Meehan
Peter Melly
Genesa Mendes
Jillian Meneo
Laura Miller and Kent Leonard
Natalie Moro
Joe Moscariello
Kadian Mullings
Eric Nadeau
Brett Odom
Kathy Ofsthun
Kathleen Oneil
P&K Dorfman Family Fund
Page Music Lessons
Dwan Packnett
Elliot Page
Katherine Page
Kunal Patel
Angel Pena
Christine Pearson
Stephanie Peters
Ronald Pruitt
Meghan O'Connor and
Jason Dixon
Chris Saccardi
Jeffrey Sanchez
John Saunders
Reed Saunders
Katherine Schilling
Deborah Shadd
Laurie Scott
Erik Shea
Jack Shea
Lawrence Shea
Michael Shea
Cat Sheehan
Lisa Sheehan
Anne Smagorinsky
Christopher Steevens
Bomani Sundai
Jennifer Then
Dan Tobin
Melanie Torosyan
Joseline Urbina
Jared Valyo
Yongxing Gao
Yvonne Venuti
Gifts In-Kind
Bombas Giving Partners
Jackie Buttaro
Corcoran Jennison Companies
Tanisha Crayton
Anonymous Donors
Lisa Dube
Manling Huang
Terry Sanders Lane and Jonathan Lane
Hai Le
James Maynard
NEI General Contracting
Meghan O'Connor and Jason Dixon
Procter and Gamble Corporate Giving Fund
Whitney Pulsifer
Jerry and Lori Rappaport
Dajaira Revollo
The Schochet Companies
Julie Tran
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
Urban Edge
Ralph Viscione
Aria Zayas
Matching Gifts
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Liberty Mutual Group
Point32Health Matching Gifts
Walker & Dunlop LLC