HomeBASE: helping families move from shelter to stable housing
HomeBASE services include assessment, housing search, placement, and case management and stabilization services.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ HomeBASE program provides flexible housing assistance to families who are eligible for emergency shelter. The goal is to assist families who are facing homelessness to find alternative solutions to entering shelter and/or motels. Additionally, it seeks to reduce the number of families already in shelters and motels by providing financial assistance, resources, and services to re-house these families.
Families like Kizzy Hunt’s.
“Before I was referred to HomeBASE, I was homeless and helpless. Despite having three jobs, I still could not afford housing,” said Kizzy. “But with the help of HomeBASE, my family is now living in a safe apartment. HomeBASE has given my family a second chance and I am forever grateful.”
Massachusetts has seen a surge of foreign migrants over the past year, which has resulted in the state’s shelters reaching their full capacity. The staff at Metro Housing has responded to this crisis by working tirelessly to ensure that stabilization services are provided to eligible families.
To be considered for HomeBASE, a family must be determined eligible for Emergency Assistance (EA) by a Homeless Coordinator at the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC). HomeBASE helps families who have been found eligible by providing up to $30,000 over a 24-month period, with an option to apply for a third year of funding.
HomeBASE services include assessment, housing search, placement, and case management and stabilization services.
“Despite having three jobs, I still could not afford housing. HomeBASE has given my family a second chance and I am forever grateful.” - KIZZY
Families who applied for assistance and were found eligible as well as families who were placed in emergency shelters or motels (and are in EA compliance) may benefit from the following:
Monthly payments to help with rent for up to 3 years for your own apartment, living with a host or co-sharing an apartment.
First and last month's rent, security deposit, and broker’s fee for a new apartment.
HomeBASE can pay up to $5,000 for outstanding rent or utilities arrears, if the debt is stopping you from signing a new lease.
Moving expenses to another state or to another location in Massachusetts
Basic furniture needs such as a mattress, box spring, frame, kitchen table/chairs, and refrigerator
“HomeBASE has given me hope," said Kizzy. “They referred me to services where I am able to work on my mental health and to learn how to be more productive in my community. My stabilization worker, Janice, was very caring, nonjudgmental, very professional, and understanding.”
For more information about HomeBASE, visit: